Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The link below will take you to your first full assignment. Read the instructions carefully, and do as they instruct. The dates are wrong so you may disregard that.

Assignment: Balance

Bristol Board or Card Stock (white) 
Exacto Knife
 Metal Ruler
 Rubber Cement
 Masking Tape (optional)
 Scissors (optional)
Mat board – White or Black
Due: February 6th, 2:30

We will be reviewing this next Wed. That means next Wed. at 2:30, you are to tape your completed work on the white board in front of the class, then move a chair to that area of the room and wait for the mid-process critique to begin.

What is a mid-process critique you ask? We have two kinds of critiques in this class (as well as most you will take in the future). The mid-process gives us a chance to look at our work discus other solutions to the problem (problem = assignment). We listen to what is said, think about the discussion, then decide how or if we can apply what we heard about our work.

The final critique is where we present our finished work, normally matted. This time we discuss what changes we made to the work, and why we made them, and if the changes improved the effectiveness of the work or not.

Note: A critique is a time that we listen to others comment on the work. Once you have presented the work, and said whatever needs to be said about it (this should be very little, your work should speak for it self). Our time to speak is over unless we are asked a direct question about the work. This is the tough part where you have to check your feelings at the door, and listen objectively to what is said. You don't have to agree with what is said, but if you want to get anything out of the class you need to listen and think about it.

Materials for Critique: Notebook: take notes on what is said, and make notes on things that you want to say about others work.

Monday, January 28, 2013

2013 Spring Intro to GD

HELLO! Welcome to Intro to the Graphic Design Blog!

If this (blog, email, computers, etc.) is new to you just relax. No one here is expected to know anything about it yet. One step at at time.

First, this is the class blog, this is where you will go to get all the info for the class. You can think of it as a one stop shop for all the class info. All the stuff that you use to get as printed material you will find here; assignments, syllabus, how tos, outline, etc.

For starters lets take a little tour of what your looking at. There are (so far) only 2 parts that you need to pay attention to here. The main section... here where you are reading now. This is where most of the day to day info will be posted. Things like assignments, exercises, GAG meetings, general transitory news about the class. The other part is the column to the right. In this section you will find links to info about the class and your instructor, such as the syllabus, outline, your instructors schedule, and how tos, etc.

Add your email to the 'follow by email' widget and you will get an email whenever something new is posted to the email.

Blogs are dynamic, this means that they change, grow, and develop as time goes on. Check back often.

NOTE: The enters below this one are from previous semesters. They do not apply to our class.